A whole new meaning of the term Smart TV

Set-top box as a smart home host

A whole new meaning of the term Smart TV

Set-top box as a smart home host

A whole new meaning of the term Smart TV

Set-top box as a smart home host

A whole new meaning of the term Smart TV

Set-top box as a smart home host

Our cooperation with Telekom Slovenije, the national telecommunications operator in Slovenia and one of the most comprehensive communication service providers in the South-East Europe, results in a unique market offering. We have produced NEO, the next-generation concept of smart home inside an Android Set-Top box (STB) device based on the OBLO solution.
The central place in every “traditional” smart home system is reserved for a smart home hub, whose main role is to communicate with the smart home devices. With the NEO concept, an existing CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) device, in this case Android STB, becomes the smart home hub thanks to the OBLO software solution.

How was this done?

OBLO’s smart home hub software was ported on the CPE device – Android STB, allowing the new service with the existing hardware.

OBLO smart home hub software runs in the Android native environment, it is fully independent from other system components, and does not consume much of the system resources.

Support for the leading smart home wireless technologies was provided through a ZigBee and/or Z-Wave USB dongle.

Smart home experience in TV app

While watching their favorite TV channel on the 55” TV, the end user doesn’t want to be disturbed. For that reason, we brought the smart home experience in the TV application by integrating OBLO client SDK. There are multiple benefits for the end user:

  • Notifications from smart home in a form of pop-up with information about detected motion, flood, etc.
  • Control – in the Live TV application there is a menu where the end user can execute a specific scene (e.g. set all lights off and similar)
  • Surveillance – while watching Live TV application the end user can check the live video stream from camera (an outdoor camera or a baby monitor) in a PIP window
  • Voice control – thanks to the integration with Google Assistant the end user can control home with voice commands via a remote controller with a built-in mic
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