Novi Sad, Serbia – June 29, 2016 – The HbbTV Association has extended its contract with RT-RK for 104 additional test cases to cover the differences between HbbTV 2.0 and HbbTV 2.0.1. This is a further extension of the original contracts placed in July 2015 for 468 tests and February 2016 for a further 155 tests.

These supplementary cases focus on testing features required for the migration of Italy and the UK from their existing solutions to HbbTV. These new tests will also cover additional testing of HbbTV 2.0. It is expected that these new tests will be delivered over the summer, with delivery completed by end of August.
The release of the first version of the HbbTV 2.0 test suite is targeted for end of Q3 2016 and this will include tests for all mandatory features, while the tests for HbbTV 2.0.1 will be included in a later release during Q4 2016.
About HbbTV Association (
Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (or “HbbTV”) is a global initiative aimed at harmonizing the broadcast and broadband delivery of entertainment services to consumers through connected TVs, set-top boxes and multiscreen devices. The HbbTV specification is developed by industry leaders to improve the video user experience for consumers by enabling innovative, interactive services over broadcast and broadband networks. The specification uses elements of existing specifications from other standards including OIPF, CEA, DVB, MPEG-DASH and W3C. In June 2014, the activities of the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) were transferred to the HbbTV Association. This broadened the HbbTV Association’s mandate to include defining specifications for service providers and technology suppliers that streamline and accelerate deployment of IPTV services.