Modular architecture
- Exchangeable camera interface board ( FPD III, GMSL, GVIF2..)
Camera frames synchronization
- All cameras synced to the same clock
- Synchronization of multiple FG devices
Central timestamp
- For video and can data
Real time streaming
- Forwarding of video and CAN data to ECU or PC
Expandable solution
- Connecting multiple frame grabber devices
- Central time stamp for the system
- Synced cameras on multiple devices
- Single control point
Rich interface set
- PCIe
- Ethernet
Autonomus driving system, executing complex camera based algorythm in self manouvered car is typical example. How we can be sure it is working, and how we can test the system before it goes out among the people in traffic?
Our partners from Denso had exactly that problem, they needed special purpose device to be able to:
- record test vectors in real life,
- demonstrate it in offline systems
- replay sequences to proof algorythms convergence and performances
- replay and record camera outputs i „hardare in the loop „ tests of the developed systems
Not only the fact that collected data are very fast and need to be all synchronized to single tamistamp source, but the mode of the use while tge test vectors are recorded, 40 hours per week of grabbing the data in car and 2 days during weekend to sort and prepare for future usage, require huge storage modules and extremely high transfer data rates.
On top of the very high processing performance, mixed usage in cars and in the office environment, with separable and exchageable storage units, raised the ambiental requirements even more.
Solution provided during the development not only the acomplisment of that requirements, but the performances achieved:
- Single frame aligned saved camera streams, 4 cameras, 2Mp@60fps per device
- grabbing + loop through mode, 0.1 ns delay between logged and output frame
- daisy chained multiple devices configuration, lossless and others, overcame expected.
Device developed during the project not only served to its initial purpose, but as we provided field prooved,reliable, automotive ambient grade electronic product, it served as basis and starting point for improvements and functional add-ons. In further stages, device hardware performances were certified, as per ISO16750 and LV124. CE marking procedure applying EU harmonized standards performed as well and device has been offered as off the shelf solution for synchronized multiple camera streams recording.