SCHWAIGER, German supplier and distributor of technology unlimited products will begin offering NOVABASE CAB>IP gateway to German retail beginning of 2015.
“We are very pleased to complement our offer of home automation solutions with the new product from NOVABASE,” said Axel Mack Key Account Manager at Schwaiger GmbH. “Accompanied by a set of Z-wave nodes – micro modules, multi-sensors, plugs, detectors and alarms, and other products, we are confident about meeting our customers’ versatile needs and scenarios, and good placement of the offer. Home automation we stand for. With our credibility and distribution chain every novel good product finds its way to the customer.”
“OBLO has definitely crossed the borders of the region, and we are pleased it will be offered to German customers,” said Milenko Beric CFO RT-RK. “We’ve had our local retail of Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia covered by OBLO products, but with the NOVABASE product and SCHWAIGER distribution we heavily excel both at the quality of the product and territorial coverage, and we couldn’t be more pleased.”