A solution to an unpredictable bandwidth for any connected vehicle application.
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BitRoute SDK
SDK with simple and clear API. Enables easy and fast integration with BitRoute environment on various different platform. SDK is available for Android and in preparation are iOS and C++ based SDK. API is designed to be easily integrated with any kind of client in need for network bandwidth predictability on moving route. We are able to provide pre-integrated examples with ExoPlayer and iWedia player.
BitRoute Cloud API
Cloud side component exposing all available functionality trough REST API. Beside client request processing and delegation this components is handling user authentication and is controlling scaling and load balancing.
Big Data Warehouse
System component in charge of storing massive amount of statistical data from client that is a key point for our modules dedicated to predicting estimating bandwidth. Component is built on industry proven solution that offers linear scalability and high availability, with good performance and fault tolerance.
Big Data Processor
Analytic engine designed for processing large-scale geo-based statistic. Main goal is to combine client measurements with 3th party information (like Google, HERE , AccuWeather) and advances mathematical algorithms to produce map layer designated to provide bandwidth related information. It is also in charge or preparing data set for machine learning module.
Machine Learning Module
Component in charge of creating predication model based on all available inputs coming to the system. Machine learning is in-charge of coming set of different and various set of data (client results, 3th party information, weather information, time of day, etc.) to achieve better predictions.
Service Quality Map
Database in charge of storing geo-data for active road network, but in context of bandwidth availability. It enables providing bandwidth prediction fast and reliably.
Bandwidth Prediction
Module in charge of estimating bandwidth for targeted trajectory. It is basing estimated on two different sources: SQM and machine learning module estimates and constructing best possible predictions.
Trajectory Module
Cloud component in charge of combining trajectory to desired location and combining it with estimation of bandwidth along calculated route. It offers modular architecture that offers easy and fast integration with different 3th party service.