Summer internship 2022

Summer internship 2022

Summer internship 2022

Summer internship 2022

The summer internship was held from July 18th to August 12th, 2022, and participants from various departments of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, including Communication Technologies and Signal Processing, Microprocessor Electronics, Automation, Mechatronics, Applied Computer Science, and Informatics, among others, attended the program.

Throughout the internship, the participants had the opportunity to learn Advanced C Programming and the fundamentals of programming on the Embedded Linux OS. They gained practical experience by working on the Raspberry PI platform, which was both interesting and rewarding.

The participants shared their feedback and impressions of the program through the evaluation form.

“Sve pohvale za predavače.”
“Kolicina materijala koju nam profesor/ostavljaju za rad je sasvim korektna. Imamo sasvim dovoljno vremena tokom dana za obradu materije.”
“Predavači su uvek dostupni za pitanja i nedoumice koje imamo, mogli smo ih kontaktirati vrlo lako i van termina prakse”
“Verovao sam da znam programski jezik C veoma dobro dok nisam došao i uverio se suprotno.”

We would like to thank all the participants who dedicated their free time during the summer to gain new knowledge through our program. Your commitment and enthusiasm are highly appreciated, and we hope that the skills and knowledge you have acquired will be valuable in your future endeavors. Thank you!

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