Summer School 2022: Software for Digital TV and Multimedia

Summer School 2022: Software for Digital TV and Multimedia

Summer School 2022: Software for Digital TV and Multimedia

Summer School 2022: Software for Digital TV and Multimedia

We are pleased that this summer we had the opportunity to offer students the RT-RK Summer School. Our engineers have designed a two-week program, in the period from August 1 – 12, 2022, with the topic of Software for Digital TV and Multimedia.
The summer school introduced participants to the process of creating, distributing, receiving, processing and displaying multimedia content according to today’s standards for digital television and multimedia. Special emphasis was placed on the process of receiving content and understanding the stages of demultiplexing and decoding and their integration into the software stack and modern application environment. The school had a practical dimension, with laboratory exercises in Android TV, which is the most common in today’s TV receivers.
The excellent response of students in the final years of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics contributed to the preservation of the tradition of sharing knowledge that we nurture within the company.

All participants successfully completed school and deservedly received diplomas. At the end of the last day, we organized a presentation about the company and socializing with our employees. We are glad that many students are interested in the options we offer them and we hope to stay in touch.

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