Summer school 2023 Belgrade

Python programming, August 7 – 18

Summer school 2023 Belgrade

Python programming, August 7 – 18

Summer school 2023 Belgrade

Python programming, August 7 – 18

Summer school 2023 Belgrade

Python programming, August 7 – 18

We would like to invite students in their final year of studies (3rd, 4th, or 5th year) to apply for our 2-week summer school.

The courses are taking place at our Belgrade office, Dunavska street 2v (K-district). Classes will be held every work day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The course is prepared for attendees with basic programming knowledge. It covers the basics of Python programming laguange, putting an accent on:

  • Data types, syntax, object handling, types and memory
  • Structure and flow control
  • Functions, procedural programming
  • Classes and objects, object oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphisms
  • UML basics
  • Code distribution, modules, packages
  • Development tools
  • Usage of Python in testing
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